(816) 513 - 8980
3051 Central in Penn Valley Park
Kansas City, MO 64141
Just off Broadway Theatre
3051 Central in Penn Valley Park
P.O. Box 411653
Kansas City, MO 64141
Part of our mission is to provide a high quality, low cost location for small, sometimes struggling groups to produce their shows/events and showcase their skills. We are a 501 (c) 3 company and depend on the support of our community. Please consider making a donation.
Sunday, Jan. 19th at 6:00pm
Enjoy an evening of wine, light snacks and poetry, featuring "The Recipe". This month showcases the 4th part of the Semple Stories series by Langston Hughes. The Semple Stories is performed live as a miniseries is history making history so don't miss out.
Join us for the KCMPT New Play Development Workshop
Eight Finalist have been selected! The winner will receive $500.00 and a full production in the 2020 KC Fringe Festival.
This is a pay-what you can event.
Sunday, Feb. 9th at 6:00pm
Enjoy an evening of wine, light snacks and poetry, featuring "The Recipe". This month showcases the 5th part of the Semple Stories series by Langston Hughes. The Semple Stories is performed live as a miniseries is history making history so don't miss out.
A Raisin in the Sun is, according to The New York Times, “the play that changed American theater forever.” First produced in 1959, A Raisin in the Sun asks what happens to people whose dreams are constantly deferred. The Youngers are an African-American…
Sunday, March 15th at 6:00pm
Join us for an evening of wine, light snacks and poetry, featuring "The Recipe". This month showcases the 6th episode of the Semple Stories series by Langston Hughes. The Semple Stories is performed live as a miniseries is history making history so don't miss out.
This action packed play deals with hurt, lies, deception, romance, relationships and God's restoration on a level that you have never seen before, come see if Kiva will be caught in the very web she has woven.