(816) 513 - 8980
3051 Central in Penn Valley Park
Kansas City, MO 64141
Just off Broadway Theatre
3051 Central in Penn Valley Park
P.O. Box 411653
Kansas City, MO 64141
Part of our mission is to provide a high quality, low cost location for small, sometimes struggling groups to produce their shows/events and showcase their skills. We are a 501 (c) 3 company and depend on the support of our community. Please consider making a donation.
- Local Playwright's Festival - JOBTA
August 29 - September 4, 2005 - Killer Joe - TymeWorks
September 8 - 24, 2005 - Faire Play for Friends
October 7, 2005 - You Can't Do That In A Mime Show
October 14 - 16, 2005 - CrossCurrents Culture Presents KC Folk Music
October 28, 29 & November 5, 2005
- Strictly For Laughs & BBQ Dinner
November 12, 2005 - An Evening of Cabaret Music - Thin Air Theatrics
November 15 & 17, 2005 - Just Say Yes! - TBA Players
December 2 - 11, 2005 - The Gift of the Comedii - Commedia Sans Arte
December 15 - 24, 2005 - An Audience in the Tower - Commedia Sans Arte
December 29 - 31, 2005

- Nothing Comes to Sleepers - InPlay Theater Company
January 13-21, 2006 - Sparts Radio - TymeWorks
January 27 - February 5, 2006 - Pulling It Off: A New Musical - Thin Air Theatrics
February 10 - 18 2006 - Kansas City Comedy Arts Fest - Independent Filmmakers Coalition
March 2 - 5, 2006 - KC Folk Music - CrossCurrents Culture
March 10 - 12, 2006 - Kansas City Women's Playwriting Festival - Potluck Productions
March 17 - 25, 2006 - 7th Annual Laidback Fundraiser - Byrd Productions
April 8, 2006 - The Last Five Years - Eubank Productions and TBA Players
April 21 - May 6, 2006 - Five and Dime Fantasia - CrossCurrents Culture
May 19 - 27, 2006 - One Night Stand - Independent Filmmakers Coalition
June 17, 2006 - Southern Baptist Sissies - Mind's Eye Theatre
June 22 - July 8, 2006
- Kansas City Crossroads Musical Theatre Festival - Theatre League/Eubank Productions
July 15 & 22 - Byrd Productions' Summer Physical Theater Intensive
July 24 - 28, 2006 - Disgracefully Yours - Eubank Productions
July 28 - 30, 2006 - Playwrights Festival - JOBTA
August 4 - 6, 2006 - Every Picture Tells A Story Competition - IFC
August 12, 2006 - The Summoning of Everyman - TymeWorks
September 9 - 23, 2006 - Daughters of the Mock - InPlay
October 13 - 21, 2006 - Halloween at Just Off Broadway - Commedia Sans Arte
October 26 - November 4, 2006 - Lolla-Poe-Looza - JOBTA
October 30 - 31, 2006 - The Fantasticks - Thin Air Theatrics
November 10 - 19, 2006 - Hybrid: The Interaction of Unlike Things - Byrd Productions
December 4-11, 2006 - Light Up Your Night - JOB Fundraiser
December 30, 2006

- Collisions & Death and the Publican - Tara Lane Productions
January 6 - 21, 2007 - Waiting For Godot - Gorilla Theatre Productions
January 25 - February 4, 2007 - Kansas City Women's Playwriting Festival - Potluck Productions
March 12 - April 1, 2007 - 8th Annual Laidback Fundraiser - Byrd Productions
April 7, 2007 - Fools Fortune - Byrd Productions
April 13 - 15, 2007 - Paralysis - CrossCurrents Culture
April 20 - May 6, 2007 - Zanna Don't: A Musical Fairy Tale - Eubank Productions
May 12 - 27, 2007
- Lafferty's Wake - JOBTheatre Association Fundraiser
June 1 - 9, 2007 - Broken Strings - Tara Lane Productions
August 17 - September 2, 2007 - Make Me A Match - TBA Players
September 7 - 15, 2007 - Women Behind Bars - Mind's Eye Theater
September 17 - October 7, 2007 - Jekyll & Hyde: The Musical - Thin Air Theatrics / Shine Shows
October 12 - 31, 2007 - Journey with Barbara Jordan - InPlay Theater Company
November 9 - 17, 2007 - Foolkiller Holidays - CrossCurrents Culture
November 30 - December 8, 2007 - Ye Holiday Feaste Fundraiser - JOB Theatre Association
December 28, 2007

- I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change - Thin Air Theatrics
February 1 - 23, 2008 - Kansas City Women's Playwriting Festival - Potluck Productions
March 7 - 16, 2008 - April Fool's Day Idols - CrossCurrents Culture
March 28 - April 5, 2008 - 9th Annual Laidback Fundraiser - Byrd Productions
April 12, 2008 - Fools Fortune II - Byrd Productions
May 16 - 18, 2008 - Storm Stories - InPlay Productions
June 6 - 14, 2008 - Sordid Lives - Minds Eye Theatre
June 20 - July 5, 2008
- Menage Entendre (a night of improv) - Commedia Sans Arte
August 8 - 16, 2008 - Rules For Widows - Minds Eye Theatre
September 5 - 20, 2008 - Cyclopedia - Byrd Productions
October 9 - 12, 2008 - Playhouse of the Damned - J.O.B. Theatre Association
October 30 - November 1, 2008 - Roulette Revue - Commedia Sans Arte
November 6 - 22, 2008 - Voices - Cross Currents Culture
December 5 - 13, 2008 - Ye Holiday Feaste - Fundraiser for J.O.B.
December 27th, 2008

- Collected Stories - InPlay Productions
February 2 - 8, 2009 - Kansas City Women’s Playwriting Festival - Potluck Productions
February 27 - March 8, 2009 - Extremities - Mind's Eye Theatre
September 11 - 26, 2009
- 1937: One Hell Of A Year - CrossCurrents Culture
November 13 - 21, 2009 - Santaland Diaries - Sonlight Productions
November 27 - December 6, 2009

- The Last Night of Ballyhoo - Sonlight Productions
Jan 28 - Feb 7, 2010 - Byrd Productions Presents: Fools’ Fortune Four
May 14 - May 16, 2010 - Shakespeare Fringe Style 3 Productions
July 26 - August 1, 2010

- Cirque Du Gay - Exposed Bigger & Longer
October 19 - 21 - Next to Normal - She & Her Productions
November 2 - 18
- Spring Mosiac Dance Concert - Storling Dance Theatre
April 27 - 28 - Jazz Beats
April 29 - The Diary of Anne Frank - The Culture House
May 4 & 5